Jury trial


Non-Sequiturs: 09.07.16

* Following the lawsuit against him alleging sexual harassment, former Berkeley Law Dean Sujit Choudry writes an open letter to students. [Daily Cal] * Thanks to the internet we all have information overload -- so how do you get through to a jury? [Katz Justice] * Here are the changes to how the Multistate Bar Exam will be testing evidence. [Excellence in Law School] * He may not be on the Court (yet), but Judge Garland is already impacting SCOTUS decisions. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Who are the real winners and losers? [Guile is Good] * Is your hard drive keeping you in the past? [Law and More] * Everything you need to know about social media marketing before you go solo. [Reboot Your Law Practice]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.04.15

* Meet David King of King v. Burwell, the epic Obamacare case to be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court today. [New York Times] * And meet the two legal heavyweights who will be arguing the case before SCOTUS. [Politico via How Appealing] * Meanwhile, another Supreme Court has put a stop to same-sex marriage down in Alabama -- for now. [Buzzfeed] * General David Petraeus reaches a plea deal, requiring him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and pay a fine (but no prison sentence). [Washington Post] * It's not as sexy as Obamacare or marriage equality, but the collection of state sales tax on out-of-state purchases made online is a pretty important issue -- and Justice Kennedy wants SCOTUS to revisit it. [How Appealing (linkwrap)] * In the wake of a leadership shake-up, Cadwalader is beefing up its Houston energy practice -- but is that a wise idea, with the price of oil spiraling downward? [American Lawyer] * Finally, something that Elie Mystal and Jordan Weissmann can agree upon: dropping the LSAT is a bad idea. [Slate] * A jury of eight men and 10 women will start hearing arguments today in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, defendant in the Boston Marathon bombing. [How Appealing (linkwrap)] * Legal ethics guru Monroe Freedman, RIP. [ABA Journal]