Story Matters. Don’t Lose The Narrative In The Details.
The story is what a jury or factfinder will care about -- not the tiny details that litigators sometimes obsess over.
The story is what a jury or factfinder will care about -- not the tiny details that litigators sometimes obsess over.
We can't get 12 people to agree on consent, which is why we fail.
This complete system built for lawyers simplifies the complex world of law firm finance.
A jury trial, a celebrity client, and booze, lots of booze....
Don't be a jerk who disserves your client; understand how juries will view your case to win more (and have more fun).
* Following the lawsuit against him alleging sexual harassment, former Berkeley Law Dean Sujit Choudry writes an open letter to students. [Daily Cal] * Thanks to the internet we all have information overload -- so how do you get through to a jury? [Katz Justice] * Here are the changes to how the Multistate Bar Exam will be testing evidence. [Excellence in Law School] * He may not be on the Court (yet), but Judge Garland is already impacting SCOTUS decisions. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Who are the real winners and losers? [Guile is Good] * Is your hard drive keeping you in the past? [Law and More] * Everything you need to know about social media marketing before you go solo. [Reboot Your Law Practice]
Know this factoid?
Reach out to continue the conversation on how to most effectively detect, prevent, and correct this or other types of fraud, cybercrime, misconduct, and non-compliance.
Everything's bigger in Texas -- including the malpractice verdicts.
When used properly, peremptories are one of the most important tools defendants have in getting a fair jury.
It’s getting tougher to find jurors who understand and embrace the very rights the Constitution put in place to protect us all when it comes to criminal defendants.
What happened when the firm's former leadership reported to court for their upcoming trial? See how we didn't make a "Dewey" pun? Aren't you proud?
Facing growing caseloads and data volumes, law firms that rely on outdated case management tools risk falling behind. Discover how AI is transforming litigation processes and giving firms a competitive edge.
After being in about 30 jury trials, legal technology columnist Jeff Bennion has decided that the system is kind of messed up.
How can we improve the American criminal justice system by strengthening the community's role in the process?
What did litigator Gaston Kroub learn from jury duty?
What did lessons about litigation did Gaston Kroub learn from his recent jury duty?
* Meet David King of King v. Burwell, the epic Obamacare case to be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court today. [New York Times] * And meet the two legal heavyweights who will be arguing the case before SCOTUS. [Politico via How Appealing] * Meanwhile, another Supreme Court has put a stop to same-sex marriage down in Alabama -- for now. [Buzzfeed] * General David Petraeus reaches a plea deal, requiring him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and pay a fine (but no prison sentence). [Washington Post] * It's not as sexy as Obamacare or marriage equality, but the collection of state sales tax on out-of-state purchases made online is a pretty important issue -- and Justice Kennedy wants SCOTUS to revisit it. [How Appealing (linkwrap)] * In the wake of a leadership shake-up, Cadwalader is beefing up its Houston energy practice -- but is that a wise idea, with the price of oil spiraling downward? [American Lawyer] * Finally, something that Elie Mystal and Jordan Weissmann can agree upon: dropping the LSAT is a bad idea. [Slate] * A jury of eight men and 10 women will start hearing arguments today in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, defendant in the Boston Marathon bombing. [How Appealing (linkwrap)] * Legal ethics guru Monroe Freedman, RIP. [ABA Journal]